On a recent holiday, Nathan and I started off our day with a long walk every single morning. This wasn’t just inspired on it’s own… it was thanks to having my sister’s dogs with us for the first part, and was also a very important part of a routine we kept with my mother who has Alzheimer’s disease.
There really wasn’t any other option in terms of how our days would start. Get up, coffee, a piece of fruit, and a 1 hour walk minimum. By 11 am we would be home and ready for any other activities or plans in our day.IMG_6292

A bit of movement every morning really sets the tone for your day. It’s a great time to think about what you need to accomplish while enjoying nature, fresh air, and the beauty around you.

Using this time to disconnect from your phone or computer also inspires creativity. We found ourselves thinking outside the box, getting excited about new ideas, and feeling happier for the rest of the day.

Lesson learnt, moving more takes very little effort (especially if you have a dog!) but it adds up in a positive way throughout your day.

If you don’t already have a dog that forces you to get outside and move every morning, I’m not suggesting that you get one just for that reason (although I could list tons of reasons why you should), but rather, I encourage everyone to set a goal to start their day with movement. A walk, a yoga practice, a workout. You will thank yourself for it for the rest of the day. IMG_6295

Written by: Sabrina

Sabrina is a 200hr RYT, personal trainer and holistic coach. Co-founder of BeneEsse, she left her corporate job in Bermuda in 2013 to pursue her bliss and has never looked back. Her favorite expression is "My life is my message".

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