We have been back in Calgary for two weeks already and just realized that holiday season is just around the corner!! Yes Thanksgiving… and Christmas follows not much after. As much as we love Thanksgiving and Christmas, we have to admit, sometimes it’s all about the food. If you have just gotten back into the gym and your fitness routine this fall, and you have decided to stay healthy and fit during the holidays, just keep in mind these next few tips and you’ll be there in a no time!

Water, a lot of Water!

Thanksgiving dinner is not all about the food, let’s be honest, there is something in the drinks too. If you are one of those people who just can’t go anywhere without a drink in a hand (I’m a bit guilty), make sure you have a glass of water between drinks. If you like fizzy beverages, take sparkling water and put a bit of lemon in there. Tasty and low in calories! By having more water, you will fill up quicker and will also reduce the number of high caloric drinks consumed.

Don’t Skip a Meal

If you think it is better to skip a meal before you go to a holiday party, so you can eat as much as you can when you get there, you are wrong. It is much better to eat a protein-rich snack, such as a piece of fruit or a Greek yogurt before heading to the event. It will prevent you from overeating and you will feel less hungry and snackish (is that a word?)!

Have One Cheat Day Per Week

Cheat days are bad if you have them too often, but when you already know you are going to eat a lot, make sure you are doing it once a week. You will train your brain to ignore the tasty food around you every other day and look forward to that ‘cheat day’. Plan around social events and pick your cheat days wisely.

Put a Healthy Option On a Table

When making and planning a Thanksgiving party, try to put some healthy food on the table. A lot of veggies, salads, fruits, lean proteins and some desserts that have been “lightened-up”. Keep in mind that maybe your guests are also trying to keep it ‘low’ when it comes to the holiday feast.

Don’t Skip Your Workouts

Finally, it is hard to stay on track with all the chores during the holiday period and family gatherings. Many people start skipping their daily workouts because of that. My advice is to stay consistent and have at least half an hour of a workout during the day. Incorporate time outside, the classes you love, and long walks. It will keep you from gaining weight and make you feel healthier throughout the whole holiday season.

Written by: Sabrina

Sabrina is a 200hr RYT, personal trainer and holistic coach. Co-founder of BeneEsse, she left her corporate job in Bermuda in 2013 to pursue her bliss and has never looked back. Her favorite expression is "My life is my message".