Inspired by an unexpected breakfast with our friend in Managua I have been thinking a lot about our “journey”. It’s interesting, exciting, and scary all once sometimes. Just one year ago today, if you would have asked us where we would be in a year or what we would be doing, neither of us would have known that we would be in Nicaragua. Today if you asked me where I see myself in a year, or rather what I will be doing, I again can’t quite answer the question. I have some ideas, and some hopes (like building our future home and to have a business running), but truthfully, there are a lot of unknowns. For the most part I’m okay with that. I think the only time I doubt myself is when people ask me questions and somehow insinuate that I should know.
Some people have always known what they wanted and where they will be in 6 months, a year, 5 years, etc… Then they follow that path, that dream, and make it a reality. I admire that, but Nathan and I have always had a different approach. We may have some ideas and dreams (like living somewhere warm and exotic) but the details are a little blurry. That blurry line is the exciting part of our journey. It’s where we are open to possibilities and opportunities.


So as of today, although there are many unknowns and uncertainties as we transition into our lives here we are enjoying ourselves fully and feeling inspired by the possibilities.  And despite Nathan’s unexpected injury which one never plans for, and a few other unexpected twists and turns in our adventure here, we are embracing the journey and the magic of this beautiful place where we live.


As I said at the beginning, it’s scary sometimes. The highs are really high, and the lows… they are low. But there’s nothing I want to change right now. I know that as always, everything will unfold in a special way, and everything will be exactly as it is supposed to be.
What’s your journey? Is it planned? Is it known? Or is it a bit blurry and uncertain? At the end of the day, as long as it feeds your soul and you are ok with it, that is all you need to know.

Written by: Sabrina

Sabrina is a 200hr RYT, personal trainer and holistic coach. Co-founder of BeneEsse, she left her corporate job in Bermuda in 2013 to pursue her bliss and has never looked back. Her favorite expression is "My life is my message".

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