I can hardly deny that today has been a good day. Although we are in the middle of our transition from Calgary to Nicaragua, and it feels like our apartment is upside down, we are checking things off the check list one item at a time. It can feel overwhelming but life is good; and as Nathan constantly reminds me, “enjoy the process”!

But today was a really good day. The morning started early, connecting with one of my favorite spin instructors in the city for a coffee before class. This meant walking out the door at 8 am which these days is very early! After coffee and spin, the day was already a good one. It’s amazing how what you do before 10 am can really set the tone and mood for the rest of your day. In my case, caffeine and a good sweat!

It’s now 8 pm and I’ve just finished an amazing dinner and documentary. Since I was home alone tonight I decided to treat myself to takeaway from what I consider one of the best restaurants in the city, Anju. With a tagline that says “Eat to Drink. Drink to live. Live to Eat” you can’t really go wrong! And why not pair it with the wine that we brought back from the Okanagan; a lovely Riesling from 50th Parallel.

It really is the little things in life that can make your day. Today I learned two things.

1) Make an effort to connect with people who inspire you. Getting together for a catch up with someone who uplifts you and inspires you can bring a whole new perspective to your world. Sometimes we get wrapped up in our problems, or just get stuck in a rut… and catching up with someone you haven’t seen in a while can help you find your compass and point you in the right direction.

2) Spoil yourself from time to time. I’ve always loved occasional dates with myself. I’ve taken myself to many plays, gone to the ballet, and even taken myself out to dinner before. Tonight, it was just about getting some amazing take out, drinking good wine and watching a really touching documentary (Dogs on the Inside). If you are a dog lover, this documentary is for you.

So it’s been a good day. I hope yours has been too (if it hasn’t been, it’s not too late to call a friend or spoil yourself).

Written by: Sabrina

Sabrina is a 200hr RYT, personal trainer and holistic coach. Co-founder of BeneEsse, she left her corporate job in Bermuda in 2013 to pursue her bliss and has never looked back. Her favorite expression is "My life is my message".

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