I am going to start off by saying that we have been learning something new every day here in Nicaragua. A few things I can share off the bat;
1) Time in Nicaragua goes by unbelievably fast! Before coming here we anticipated very slow and long days. Hours and hours to do anything and everything. Well, we were wrong. Somehow time goes double time here! It’s crazy to think we have already been here over two weeks.
2) No two days are the same! From chasing birds out of your room, to scorpion inspections, to trips to the local clinic (nothing serious but Nathan strained his calf pretty badly and needed some drugs to manage the pain), to dogs having sex on the beach (a lot), and stopping to let pigs cross the street. Everyday feels like a new adventure.

IMG_7039Whenever we travel or move somewhere new, we enjoy the process of getting to know the culture, the people, the traditions. Since being here, we have been so overwhelmed with the kindness of both locals and expats. It kind of feels like everyone just embodies a sense a gratitude. Whether its gratitude for another day alive, for health, or for living somewhere so beautiful and for the opportunities we have. Through the gratitude that people have, there is a kindness that is shared between each other. It’s hard to explain but really special. 

IMG_7085We recently watched a small locate parade for Independance Day (September 15th).  The parade was on the main dirt road, and was about 800 meters long. The kids were full of smiles and pride and were amazing on the drums!! We took this picture of this little girl and when we showed it to her mom, she called everyone over to see it! It is a pretty awesome picture 🙂

Because we live in a really small community, networking has come easily. Kind of like in Bermuda. There are several facebook groups  where expats can share amazing finds, things for sale, tips, recommendations etc. Not sure where to find a physio therapist? Just post on one of the local groups and everyone will share their experience and suggestions to find one. It’s that easy.
We have been making new friends and found that there is quite the social scene if you are looking for one.

IMG_7137So far we’ve been out fishing (such a treat!), invited to birthday parties, and spent hours over delicious Nicaraguan coffee sharing ideas with other expats. Its really inspiring. So the adventure continues. Learning something new everyday, trying to have some routines (like yoga & fitness), and connecting with the people around us. Moving abroad is such a unique experience. Everyone who can, should try it!


Written by: Sabrina

Sabrina is a 200hr RYT, personal trainer and holistic coach. Co-founder of BeneEsse, she left her corporate job in Bermuda in 2013 to pursue her bliss and has never looked back. Her favorite expression is "My life is my message".

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