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nathan norville (3)Nathan Norville

The man behind all this

I’m a fitness junkie, but not socially awkward. I’m constantly excited—and regularly awe-inspired—by the power, strength and determination clients show me. I’m an English boy from London enjoying culture, food, energy and environments from around the wold. I am currently located Nicaragua training amazing people, developing wellness programs for hotels,  coaching clients online worldwide and organizing kick-ass retreats for group leaders.

nathan norville (2)A few things that make me happy in life… music, friends, the beach, working-out, and eating great food. I also love photography, DJ’ing and traveling. I love being out of my comfort zone, experiencing new cultures, people, and seeing the beautiful landscapes mother nature has given us, thus makes me feel alive!


nathan norville (1)

I’m thankful for my health and ability to run, play, laugh, and enjoy life.

Being passionate about health and fitness allows me to use my knowledge in the field to help people look, feel and live better. Health, fitness and living well isn’t a luxury, it’s a right. So contact me and lets work out what we can do, maybe it’s a fitness boxing session on the beach, creating a healthy eating plan, accessing my online training app or organize a retreat vacation in Nicaragua.

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